The Law defines Mediation as the process where one neutral person helps persons in conflict reach an agreement which resolves the conflict. However there is a little more to Mediation than just a legal definition.
When you enter into a mediation, the process is totally confidential and all participants will sign a Mediation Agreement which states they will abide by the confidential nature of the mediation. This means, that what is said in Mediation, must stay in Mediation.
In Mediation, you may find the need to discuss sensitive information with your Mediator. Not only will this information be held in strict confidence, but there is no judgement here. The Mediator's role is not to fix you or fix your problems, but to help you find a way through the conflict so that you and the other party can find a way to get past that conflict. The Mediators' role is to help you craft possible solutions to propose to the other parties involved in the mediation.
Deciding which mediation process to use will likely depend on your circumstances and what you wish to achieve.
Evelyn Sullivan Mediation offers either an individual mediator for your case or Co-Mediation services depending on your needs.
When you enter into a mediation, the process is totally confidential and all participants will sign a Mediation Agreement which states they will abide by the confidential nature of the mediation. This means, that what is said in Mediation, must stay in Mediation.
In Mediation, you may find the need to discuss sensitive information with your Mediator. Not only will this information be held in strict confidence, but there is no judgement here. The Mediator's role is not to fix you or fix your problems, but to help you find a way through the conflict so that you and the other party can find a way to get past that conflict. The Mediators' role is to help you craft possible solutions to propose to the other parties involved in the mediation.
Deciding which mediation process to use will likely depend on your circumstances and what you wish to achieve.
Evelyn Sullivan Mediation offers either an individual mediator for your case or Co-Mediation services depending on your needs.